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WindowsServer2008体验计划:Works With Windows Server 2008

来源:网络 | 2007-9-6 | (有2037人读过)

微软在其站点上公布了最新的 “Works With Windows Server 2008” 软件计划,并提供了Works with Tool (Beta) for Windows Server 2008软件,帮助找出系统中潜在的兼容性问题.

同时微软还公布了Windows Server 2008下的软件编写规范以及测试框架,请网络管理员,网络程序员,IT经理予以关注


访问: New! Works with Windows Server 2008 program

New! Works with Windows Server 2008 program

In addition to the Certified for Windows Server 2008 logo, Microsoft now offers a Works with Windows Server 2008 program. This program establishes baseline application compatibility with the new Windows Server 2008 operating system.

Independent software vendors: We recommend that you use the Works with Tool as a stepping stone to receiving the Certified for Windows Server 2008 logo. Certification helps ensure that your customers have the best experience possible with your product running on Windows Server 2008.

Network administrators: We recommend that you use the Works with Tool to test applications you have developed yourself as well as those commercial applications you currently have installed on your network(s). Use this tool to help ensure that the applications you have purchased will work well when you migrate to Windows Server 2008. Any applications that have areas of ‘failure’ can be reported to your software vendor for discussion.

Use the tool and guidelines below to help prepare your applications for Windows Server 2008 and to participate in the Works with Windows Server 2008 program.


  • Works with Tool (Beta) for Windows Server 2008
    This highly-automated tool will help you quickly determine baseline compatibility with Windows Server 2008. Any pieces of the application (installation, primary functionality, drivers, etc.) that do not meet baseline compatibility will be flagged for development refinement. Note that the two documents listed below are embedded into this tool. We have provided the Word documents for those who desire a deeper understanding of the tool.
  • Works with Windows Server 2008 Software Specifications
    Technical specification outlining requirements that allow server applications to receive the Works with Windows Server 2008 designation.
  • Windows Server 2008 Software Test Framework
    Technical managers and testers preparing software applications for the Works with Windows Server 2008 program will learn about compliance verification tests.


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