来源:远方网络 | 2006-1-5 15:16:30 | (有2252人读过)
<% ****人民币大小写转换格式**** dim str(9) str(0)="零" str(1)="壹" str(2)="贰" str(3)="叁" str(4)="肆" str(5)="伍" str(6)="陆" str(7)="柒" str(8)="捌" str(9)="玖" aa=Request.form("source") hh=formatnumber(aa,2,-1) aa=replace(hh,".","") aa=replace(aa,",","") for i=1 to len(aa) s=mid(aa,i,1) mynum=str(s) select case(len(aa)+1-i) case 1: k= mynum&"分" case 2: k= mynum&"角" case 3: k= mynum&"元" case 4: k= mynum&"拾" case 5: k= mynum&"佰" case 6: k= mynum&"仟" case 7: k= mynum&"万" case 8: k= mynum&"拾" case 9: k= mynum&"佰" case 10: k= mynum&"仟" end select m=m&k next %>
<html> <head> <title>数字转换</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> </head> <!-- Elseif(s=".") then n=m i=i+2 for j=i to len(aa) s=mid(aa,i,1) mynum=str(s) select case(len(aa)+1-i) case 1: p= mynum&"分" case 2: p= mynum&"角" end select m=m&p next -->
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <form method="post" name="forma"> <input type="text" name="source" value="<%=hh%>"> = <input type="text" name="result" value="<%=m%>" size="40">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="提交 " > </form> </body> </html>