来源:www.cncfan.com | 2006-1-22 | (有1888人读过)
使用ASP实现网站的目录树 本来想多翻译些东西出来的,但是最近越来越忙了,以后我尽量多贴些 短小的代码出来,翻译是越来越没空完成了。呵呵。 数据库结构(共使用了两个表) 1。tblCategory 字段名 类型 Root binary 说明树关或开(目录的根) ID 自动编号 关键字 Sort integer 识别该字段内容的整数(如果root是开状态sort为0)表示显示的目录的顺序 Name text(255)可以包含html中的标识符 HREF text(255) 允许空 2。tblPages ID 自动编号 Sort integer 关键字 Name text(255) HREF text(255)
3.default.htm <html> <head> <title>JavaScript Tree Control Template</title> </head> <frameset cols=""210,*""> ?<frame src=""tree.asp"" name=""TOC""> ?<frame src=""main.htm"" name=""basefrm""> </frameset> </html>
4.main.htm <head><title></title></head> <body> <h2>Start Page</h2> </body> </html>
5.tree.asp Set conn = Server.CreateObject(""ADODB.Connection"") Set Rs = Server.CreateObject(""ADODB.Recordset"") conn.open ""DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ="" & Server.MapPath(""toc.mdb"")
strsql = ""SELECT tblCategory.Root, tblCategory.[ID], tblCategory.Sort AS CatSort, tblPages.sort AS LinkSort, tblCategory.[Name] AS CatName, tblCategory.HREF AS CatURL, tblPages.[Name] AS LinkName, tblPages.href AS LinkURL FROM tblCategory LEFT JOIN tblPages ON tblCategory.[ID] = tblPages.[ID] ORDER BY tblCategory.root ASC, tblCategory.Sort, tblPages.sort""
rs.open strsql, conn, 2, 2
if not rs.eof then rs.movefirst currentID = """" %> <html> <head> <link rel=""stylesheet"" href=""ftie4style.css""> <!-- Infrastructure code for the tree --> <script src=""ftiens4.js""></script> <!-- Execution of the code that actually builds the specific tree --> <script> USETEXTLINKS = 1 <% Do While Not Rs.EOF If Rs(""Root"") = True Then %> foldersTree = gFld(""<%= Rs(""CatName"") %>"", ""<%= Rs(""CatURL"") %>"") <% Else %> aux1 = insFld(foldersTree, gFld(""<%= Rs(""CatName"") %>"", ""<%= Rs(""CatURL"") %>"")) <% currentID = Rs(""ID"") savedID = Rs(""ID"") Do While currentID = savedID and not rs.eof if Rs(""LinkName"") <> """" Then %> insDoc(aux1, gLnk(0, ""<%= Rs(""LinkName"") %>"", ""<%= Rs(""LinkURL"") %>"")) <% end if Rs.MoveNext if not rs.eof then currentID = Rs(""ID"") Loop End If if currentID = """" then rs.movenext Loop %> </script> <script> initializeDocument() </script> <base target=""basefrm""> <title></title> </head> <body bgcolor=""white""> </body> </html>