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The Real Basics of Functions in ASP - Customer Spec Part 2

来源:www.cncfan.com | 2006-1-25 | (有2204人读过)

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Customer Spec part 2: "Ok John, that’s great, now we need to do it for all of these numbers too…."

You suddenly need to work out the result of hundreds of sums. But because we have a function that does all of the dirty work (okay, perhaps it’s not that dirty) you only need to add one line of code per calculation:

function simplemaths(var1, var2)
' Add a new line to do the multiplication
response.write result & "<br />"
end function

call simplemaths(1, 2)
call simplemaths(1, 9)
call simplemaths(3, 4)
call simplemaths(1, 5)

So you’re happily coding away, putting the final sum together when the customer calls you again:

"Erm, I’ve just realized – I need you to multiply all of the numbers by ten before you write them to the screen! Sorry!"

If you had hundreds of individual calculations then that could be a big task. If you have one function that does it all, then it’s easy!

function simplemaths(var1, var2)
' Add a new line to do the multiplication
response.write result & "<br />"
end function

call simplemaths(2, 2)
call simplemaths(1, 2)
call simplemaths(1, 9)
call simplemaths(3, 4)
call simplemaths(1, 5)

call simplemaths(input1, input2)


Pretty compelling, eh? So functions are the bee’s knees and re-usable, maintainable code will save us all. The functions that developers have as a resource act as the foundations for the applications that they produce and the ability to control these functions is a valuable one. The concept relies upon the fact that you and your code shouldn’t really have to worry about how to achieve the specific task – because after you’ve coded it once you never need to code it again. It’s a little black-box of code and all you need to know is how to use it (not how it works inside). This description is edging us gently towards the concepts of Object-Orientated (OO) Design and if you’d like to stick with me through the series of articles we’ll attempt to cover this in more detail – by developing more real-life examples and ideally code that we all can use and re-use!



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