来源:www.cncfan.com | 2006-1-16 | (有3856人读过)
int main(void) { /* request auto detection */ int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; int x, y;
/* initialize graphics mode */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");
/* read result of initialization */ errorcode = graphresult();
if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */ }
x = getmaxx() / 2; y = getmaxy() / 2;
/* output a message */ settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT); outtextxy(x, y, "Press a key to close the graphics system:");
/* wait for a key */ getch();
/* closes down the graphics system */ closegraph();
printf("We're now back in text mode.\n"); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); return 0; }
函数名: clreol 功 能: 在文本窗口中清除字符到行末 用 法: void clreol(void); 程序例:
int main(void)
{ clrscr(); cprintf("The function CLREOL clears all characters from the\r\n"); cprintf("cursor position to the end of the line within the\r\n"); cprintf("current text window, without moving the cursor.\r\n"); cprintf("Press any key to continue . . ."); gotoxy(14, 4); getch();
clreol(); getch();
return 0; }
函数名: clrscr 功 能: 清除文本模式窗口 用 法: void clrscr(void); 程序例:
int main(void) { int i;
clrscr(); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) cprintf("%d\r\n", i); cprintf("\r\nPress any key to clear screen"); getch();
clrscr(); cprintf("The screen has been cleared!"); getch();
return 0; }
函数名: coreleft 功 能: 返回未使用内存的大小 用 法: unsigned coreleft(void); 程序例:
#include #include
int main(void) { printf("The difference between the highest allocated block and\n"); printf("the top of the heap is: %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long) coreleft());
return 0; }
函数名: cos 功 能: 余弦函数 用 法: double cos(double x); 程序例:
#include #include
int main(void) { double result; double x = 0.5;
result = cos(x); printf("The cosine of %lf is %lf\n", x, result); return 0; }
函数名: cosh 功 能: 双曲余弦函数 用 法: dluble cosh(double x); 程序例:
#include #include
int main(void) { double result; double x = 0.5;
result = cosh(x); printf("The hyperboic cosine of %lf is %lf\n", x, result); return 0; }
函数名: country 功 能: 返回与国家有关的信息 用 法: struct COUNTRY *country(int countrycode, struct country *country); 程序例:
#include #include
#define USA 0
int main(void) { struct COUNTRY country_info;
country(USA, &country_info); printf("The currency symbol for the USA is: %s\n", country_info.co_curr); return 0; }
函数名: cprintf 功 能: 送格式化输出至屏幕 用 法: int cprintf(const char *format[, argument, ...]); 程序例:
int main(void) { /* clear the screen */ clrscr();
/* create a text window */ window(10, 10, 80, 25);
/* output some text in the window */ cprintf("Hello world\r\n");
/* wait for a key */ getch(); return 0; }
函数名: cputs 功 能: 写字符到屏幕 用 法: void cputs(const char *string); 程序例:
int main(void) { /* clear the screen */ clrscr();
/* create a text window */ window(10, 10, 80, 25);
/* output some text in the window */ cputs("This is within the window\r\n");
/* wait for a key */ getch(); return 0; }
函数名: _creat creat 功 能: 创建一个新文件或重写一个已存在的文件 用 法: int creat (const char *filename, int permiss); 程序例:
#include #include #include #include
int main(void) { int handle; char buf[11] = "0123456789";
/* change the default file mode from text to binary */ _fmode = O_BINARY;
/* create a binary file for reading and writing */