来源:www.cncfan.com | 2006-1-11 | (有2323人读过)
Table of Contents I. Adabas D Functions II. Apache Specific Functions III. Array Functions IV. BC (Arbitrary Precision) Functions V. Calendar Functions VI. Date/Time Functions VII. dBase Functions VIII. dbm Functions IX. Directory Functions X. Dynamic Loading Functions XI. Program Execution Functions XII. filePro Functions XIII. Filesystem Functions XIV. Functions related to HTTP XV. Hyperwave functions XVI. Image functions XVII. IMAP Functions XVIII. PHP options & information XIX. Informix Functions XX. InterBase Functions XXI. LDAP Functions XXII. Mail Functions XXIII. Mathematical Functions XXIV. Miscellaneous Functions XXV. mSQL Functions XXVI. MySQL Functions XXVII. Sybase Functions XXVIII. Network Functions XXIX. ODBC Functions XXX. Oracle functions XXXI. PDF functions XXXII. PostgreSQL functions XXXIII. Regular expression functions XXXIV. Semaphore and Shared Memory Functions XXXV. Solid Functions XXXVI. SNMP Functions XXXVII. String functions XXXVIII. URL functions XXXIX. Variable functions XL. Vmailmgr Functions XLI. Gz-file Functions XLII. XML Parser Functions I. Adabas D Functions Table of Contents ada_afetch ada_autocommit ada_close ada_commit ada_connect ada_exec ada_fetchrow ada_fieldname ada_fieldnum ada_fieldtype ada_freeresult ada_numfields ada_numrows ada_result ada_resultall ada_rollback The Adabas D functions are deprecated, you probably want to use the Unified ODBC functions instead. ada_afetch ada_afetch -- fetch a result row into an array Description See odbc_fetch_into() ada_autocommit ada_autocommit -- toggle autocommit behaviour Description See odbc_autocommit(). ada_close ada_close -- close a connection to an Adabas D server Description See odbc_close(). ada_commit ada_commit -- commit a transaction Description See odbc_commit() ada_connect ada_connect -- connect to an Adabas D datasource Description See odbc_connect(). ada_exec ada_exec -- prepare and execute a SQL statement Description See odbc_exec() or odbc_do(). ada_fetchrow ada_fetchrow -- fetch a row from a result Description See odbc_fetch_row(). ada_fieldname ada_fieldname -- get the columnname Description See Odbc_field_name(). ada_fieldnum ada_fieldnum -- get column number Description See odbc_field_num(). ada_fieldtype ada_fieldtype -- get the datatype of a field Description See Odbc_field_type(). ada_freeresult ada_freeresult -- >free resources associated with a result Description See odbc_free_result(). ada_numfields ada_numfields -- get the number of columns in a result Description See Odbc_num_fields(). ada_numrows ada_numrows -- number of rows in a result Description See odbc_num_rows(). ada_result ada_result -- get data from results Description See odbc_result(). ada_resultall ada_resultall -- print result as HTML table Description See odbc_result_all(). ada_rollback ada_rollback -- rollback a transaction Description See odbc_rollback(). II. Apache Specific Functions Table of Contents Apache_lookup_uri apache_note getallheaders Virtual apache_lookup_uri apache_lookup_uri -- Perform a partial request for the specified URI and return all info about it Description class apache_lookup_uri(string filename); This performs a partial request for a URI. It goes just far enough to obtain all the important information about the given resource and returns this information in a class. The properties of the returned class are: status the_request status_line method content_type handler uri filename path_info args boundary no_cache no_local_copy allowed send_bodyct bytes_sent byterange clength unparsed_uri mtime request_time apache_note apache_note -- Get and set apache request notes Description string apache_note(string note_name, string [note_value]); apache_note() is an Apache-specific function which gets and sets values in a request's notes table. If called with one argument, it returns the current value of note note_name. If called with two arguments, it sets the value of note note_name to note_value and returns the previous value of note note_name. getallheaders getallheaders -- Fetch all HTTP request headers Description array getallheaders(void); This function returns an associative array of all the HTTP headers in the current request. Example 1. GetAllHeaders() Example $headers = getallheaders(); while (list($header, $value) = each($headers)) { echo "$header: $value<br>\n"; } This example will display all the request headers for the current request. Note: GetAllHeaders() is currently only supported when PHP runs as an Apache module. virtual virtual -- Perform an Apache sub-request Description int virtual(string filename); virtual() is an Apache-specific function which is equivalent to <!--#include virtual...--> in mod_include. It performs an Apache sub-request. It is useful for including CGI scripts or .shtml files, or anything else that you would parse through Apache. Note that for a CGI script, the script must generate valid CGI headers. At the minimum that means it must generate a Content-type header. For PHP files, you should use include() or require(). III. Array Functions Table of Contents array array_walk arsort asort count current each end key ksort list next pos prev reset rsort sizeof sort uasort uksort usort array array -- Create an array Description array array(...); Returns an array of the parameters. The parameters can be given an index with the => operator. Note that array() really is a language construct used to represent literal arrays, and not a regular function. The following example demonstrates how to create a two-dimensional array, how to specify keys for associative arrays, and how to skip-and-continue numeric indices in normal arrays. Example 1. array() example $fruits = array( "fruits" => array("a"=>"orange","b"=>"banana","c"=>"apple"), "numbers" => array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) "holes" => array("first", 5 => "second", "third") ); See also: list(). array_walk array_walk -- Apply a function to every member of an array. Description int array_walk(array arr, string func); Applies the function named by func to each element of arr. The elements are passed as the first argument of func; if func requires more than one argument, a warning will be generated each time array_walk() calls func. These warnings may be suppressed by prepending the '@' sign to the array_walk() call, or by using error_reporting(). Note that func will actually be working with the elements of arr, so any changes made to those elements will actually be made in the array itself. Example 1. array_walk() example $fruits = array("d"=>"lemon","a"=>"orange","b"=>"banana","c"=>"apple"); function test_alter( $item1 ) { $item1 = 'bogus'; } function test_print( $item2 ) { echo "$item2<br>\n"; } array_walk( $fruits, 'test_print' ); array_walk( $fruits, 'test_alter' ); array_walk( $fruits, 'test_print' ); See also each() and list(). arsort arsort -- Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association Description void arsort(array array); This function sorts an array such that array indices maintain their correlation with the array elements they are associated with. This is used mainly when sorting associative arrays where the actual element order is significant. Example 1. arsort() example $fruits = array("d"=>"lemon","a"=>"orange","b"=>"banana","c"=>"apple"); arsort($fruits); for(reset($fruits); $key = key($fruits); next($fruits)) { echo "fruits[$key] = ".$fruits[$key]."\n"; } This example would display: fruits[a] = orange fruits[d] = lemon fruits = banana fruits[c] = apple The fruits have been sorted in reverse alphabetical order, and the index associated with each element has been maintained.
See also: asort(), rsort(), ksort(), and sort().
asort asort -- Sort an array and maintain index association
Description void asort(array array);
This function sorts an array such that array indices maintain their correlation with the array elements they are associated with. This is used mainly when sorting associative arrays where the actual element order is significant.
Example 1. asort() example
$fruits = array("d"=>"lemon","a"=>"orange","b"=>"banana","c"=>"apple"); asort($fruits); for(reset($fruits); $key = key($fruits); next($fruits)) { echo "fruits[$key] = ".$fruits[$key]."\n"; }
This example would display: fruits[c] = apple fruits = banana fruits[d] = lemon fruits[a] = orange The fruits have been sorted in alphabetical order, and the index associated with each element has been maintained.
See also arsort(), rsort(), ksort(), and sort().
count count -- count elements in a variable
Description int count(mixed var);
Returns the number of elements in var, which is typically an array (since anything else will have one element).
Returns 0 if the variable is not set.
Returns 1 if the variable is not an array.
See also: sizeof(), isset(), and is_array().
current current -- return the current element in an array
Description mixed current(array array);
Each array variable has an internal pointer that points to one of its elements. In addition, all of the elements in the array are linked by a bidirectional linked list for traversing purposes. The internal pointer points to the first element that was inserted to the array until you run one of the functions that modify that pointer on that array.
The current() function simply returns the array element that's currently being pointed by the internal pointer. It does not move the pointer in any way. If the internal pointer points beyond the end of the elements list, current() returns false.
Warning: if the array contains empty elements (0 or "", the empty string) then this function will return false for these elements as well. It is undecideable if the current element is just a zero-value or you have traversed beyond the end of the array. To properly traverse an array, use the each() function.
See also: end(), next(), prev() and reset().
each each -- return next key/value pair from an array
Description array each(array array);
Returns the current key/value pair from the array array and advances the array cursor. This pair is returned in a four-element array, with the keys 0, 1, key, and value. Elements 0 and key each contain the key name of the array element, and 1 and value contain the data.
Example 1. each() examples
$foo = array( "bob", "fred", "jussi", "jouni" ); $bar = each( $foo ); $bar now contains the following key/value pairs:
0 => 0
1 => 'bob'
key => 0
value => 'bob'
$foo = array( "Robert" => "Bob", "Seppo" => "Sepi" ); $bar = each( $foo ); $bar now contains the following key/value pairs:
0 => 'Robert'
1 => 'Bob'
key => 'Robert'
value => 'Bob'
each() is typically used in conjunction with list() to traverse an array; for instance, $HTTP_POST_VARS:
Example 2. Traversing $HTTP_POST_VARS with each()
echo "Values submitted via POST method:<br>"; while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $HTTP_POST_VARS ) ) { echo "$key => $val<br>"; }
See also key(), list(), current(), reset(), next(), and prev().
end end -- set internal pointer of array to last element
Description end(array array);
end() advances array's internal pointer to the last element.
See also: current(), each(), end() next() and reset()
key key -- fetch a key from an associative array
Description mixed key(array array);
key() returns the index element of the current array position.
See also: current(), next()
ksort ksort -- Sort an array by key.
Description int ksort(array array);
Sorts an array by key, maintaining key to data correlations. This is useful mainly for associative arrays.
Example 1. ksort() example
$fruits = array("d"=>"lemon","a"=>"orange","b"=>"banana","c"=>"apple"); ksort($fruits); for(reset($fruits); $key = key($fruits); next($fruits)) { echo "fruits[$key] = ".$fruits[$key]."\n"; }
This example would display: fruits[a] = orange fruits = banana fruits[c] = apple fruits[d] = lemon
See also asort(), arsort(), sort(), and rsort().
list list -- assign variables as if they were an array
Description void list(...);
Like array(), this is not really a function, but a language construct. list() is used to assign a list of variables in one operation.
Example 1. list() example
<table> <tr> <th>Employee name</th> <th>Salary</th> </tr> <?php
$result = mysql($conn, "SELECT id, name, salary FROM employees"); while (list($id, $name, $salary) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { print(" <tr>\n". " <td><a href=\"info.php3?id=$id\">$name</a></td>\n". " <td>$salary</td>\n". " </tr>\n"); }
See also: each(), array().
next next -- advance the internal array pointer
Description mixed next(array array);
Returns the array element in the next place that's pointed by the internal array pointer, or false if there are no more elements. Warning: if the array contains empty elements then this function will return false for these elements as well. To properly traverse an array which may contain empty elements see the each() function.
next() behaves like current(), with one difference. It advances the internal array pointer one place forward before returning the element. That means it returns the next array element and advances the internal array pointer by one. If advancing the internal array pointer results in going beyond the end of the element list, next() returns false.
See also: current(), end() prev() and reset()
pos pos -- return the current element in an array
Description mixed pos(array array);
This is an alias for current().
See also: end(), next(), prev() and reset().
prev prev -- rewind internal array pointer
Description mixed prev(array array);
Returns the array element in the previous place that's pointed by the internal array pointer, or false if there are no more elements. Warning: if the array contains empty elements then this function will return false for these elements as well. To properly traverse an array which may contain empty elements see the each() function.
prev() behaves just like next(), except it rewinds the internal array pointer one place instead of advancing it.
See also: current(), end() next() and reset()
reset reset -- set internal pointer of array to first element
Description mixed reset(array array);
reset() rewinds array's internal pointer to the first element.
reset() returns the value of the first array element.
See also: current(), each(), next() prev() and reset()
rsort rsort -- Sort an array in reverse order
Description void rsort(array array);
This function sorts an array in reverse order (highest to lowest).
Example 1. rsort() example
$fruits = array("lemon","orange","banana","apple"); rsort($fruits); for(reset($fruits); ($key,$value) = each($fruits); ) { echo "fruits[$key] = ".$value."\n"; }
This example would display: fruits[0] = orange fruits[1] = lemon fruits[2] = banana fruits[3] = apple The fruits have been sorted in reverse alphabetical order.
See also arsort(), asort(), ksort(), sort() and usort().
sizeof sizeof -- get size of array
Description int sizeof(array array);
Returns the number of elements in the array.
See also: count()
sort sort -- Sort an array
Description void sort(array array);
This function sorts an array. Elements will be arranged from lowest to highest when this function has completed.
Example 1. sort() example
$fruits = array("lemon","orange","banana","apple"); sort($fruits); for(reset($fruits); $key = key($fruits); next($fruits)) { echo "fruits[$key] = ".$fruits[$key]."\n"; }
This example would display: fruits[0] = apple fruits[1] = banana fruits[2] = lemon fruits[3] = orange The fruits have been sorted in alphabetical order.
See also arsort(), asort(), ksort(), rsort(), and usort().
uasort uasort -- Sort an array with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index association
Description void uasort(array array, function cmp_function);
This function sorts an array such that array indices maintain their correlation with the array elements they are associated with. This is used mainly when sorting associative arrays where the actual element order is significant. The comparison function is user-defined.
uksort uksort -- Sort an array by keys using a user-defined comparison function
Description void uksort(array array, function cmp_function);
This function will sort the keys of an array using a user-supplied comparison function. If the array you wish to sort needs to be sorted by some non-trivial criteria, you should use this function.
Example 1. uksort() example
function mycompare($a, $b) { if ($a == $b) return 0; return ($a > $b) ? -1 : 1; } $a = array(4 => "four", 3 => "three", 20 => "twenty", 10 => "ten"); uksort($a, mycompare); while(list($key, $value) = each($a)) { echo "$key: $value\n"; }
This example would display: 20: twenty 10: ten 4: four 3: three
See also arsort(), asort(), uasort(), ksort(), rsort() and sort().
usort usort -- Sort an array by values using a user-defined comparison function
Description void usort(array array, function cmp_function);
This function will sort an array by its values using a user-supplied comparison function. If the array you wish to sort needs to be sorted by some non-trivial criteria, you should use this function.
Example 1. usort() example
function cmp($a,$b) { if ($a == $b) return 0; return ($a > $b) ? -1 : 1; } $a = array(3,2,5,6,1); usort($a, cmp); while(list($key,$value) = each($a)) { echo "$key: $value\n"; }
This example would display: 0: 6 1: 5 2: 3 3: 2 4: 1 Obviously in this trivial case the rsort() function would be more appropriate.
See also arsort(), asort(), ksort(), rsort() and sort().
IV. BC (Arbitrary Precision) Functions Table of Contents bcadd bccomp bcdiv bcmod bcmul bcpow bcscale bcsqrt bcsub These BC functions are only available if PHP was compiled with the --enable-bcmath configure option.
bcadd bcadd -- Add two arbitrary precision numbers.
Description string bcadd(string left operand, string right operand, int [scale]);
Adds the left operand to the right operand and returns the sum in a string. The optional scale parameter is used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the result.
See also bcsub().
bccomp bccomp -- Compare two arbitrary precision numbers.
Description int bccomp(string left operand, string right operand, int [scale]);
Compares the left operand to the right operand and returns the result as an integer. The optional scale parameter is used to set the number of digits after the decimal place which will be used in the comparion. The return value is 0 if the two operands are equal. If the left operand is larger than the right operand the return value is +1 and if the left operand is less than the right operand the return value is -1.
bcdiv bcdiv -- Divide two arbitrary precision numbers.
Description string bcdiv(string left operand, string right operand, int [scale]);
Divides the left operand by the right operand and returns the result. The optional scale sets the number of digits after the decimal place in the result.
See also bcmul().
bcmod bcmod -- Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number.
Description string bcmod(string left operand, string modulus);
Get the modulus of the left operand using modulus.
See also bcdiv().
bcmul bcmul -- Multiply two arbitrary precision number.
Description string bcmul(string left operand, string right operand, int [scale]);
Multiply the left operand by the right operand and returns the result. The optional scale sets the number of digits after the decimal place in the result.
See also bcdiv().
bcpow bcpow -- Raise an arbitrary precision number to another.
Description string bcpow(string x, string y, int [scale]);
Raise x to the power y. The scale can be used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the result.
See also bcsqrt().
bcscale bcscale -- Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions.
Description string bcscale(int scale);
This function sets the default scale parameter for all subsequent bc math functions that do not explicitly specify a scale parameter.
bcsqrt bcsqrt -- Get the square root of an arbitray precision number.
Description string bcsqrt(string operand, int scale);
Return the square root of the operand. The optional scale parameter sets the number of digits after the decimal place in the result.
See also bcpow().
bcsub bcsub -- Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another.
Description string bcsub(string left operand, string right operand, int [scale]);
Subtracts the right operand from the left operand and returns the result in a string. The optional scale parameter is used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the result.
See also bcadd().
V. Calendar Functions Table of Contents JDToGregorian GregorianToJD JDToJulian JulianToJD JDToJewish JewishToJD JDToFrench FrenchToJD JDMonthName JDDayOfWeek The calendar functions are only available if you have compiled the calendar extension in dl/calendar. Read dl/README for instructions on using it.
The Calendar extension in PHP presents a series of functions to simplify converting between different calendar formats. The intermediary or standard it is based on is the Julian Day Count. The Julian Day Count is a count of days starting way earlier than any date most people would need to track (somewhere around 4000bc). To convert between calendar systems, you must first convert to Julian Day Count, then to the calendar system of your choice. Julian Day Count is very different from the Julian Calendar! For more information on calendar systems visit http://genealogy.org/~scottlee/cal-overview.html. Excerpts from this page are included in these instructions, and are in quotes
JDToGregorian JDToGregorian -- Converts Julian Day Count to Gregorian date
Description string jdtogregorian(int julianday);
Converts Julian Day Count to a string containing the Gregorian date in the format of "month/day/year"
GregorianToJD GregorianToJD -- Converts a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count
Description int gregoriantojd(int month, int day, int year);
Valid Range for Gregorian Calendar 4714 B.C. to 9999 A.D.
Although this software can handle dates all the way back to 4714 B.C., such use may not be meaningful. The Gregorian calendar was not instituted until October 15, 1582 (or October 5, 1582 in the Julian calendar). Some countries did not accept it until much later. For example, Britain converted in 1752, The USSR in 1918 and Greece in 1923. Most European countries used the Julian calendar prior to the Gregorian.
Example 1. Calendar functions
<?php $jd = GregorianToJD(10,11,1970); echo("$jd\n"); $gregorian = JDToGregorian($jd); echo("$gregorian\n"); ?>
JDToJulian JDToJulian -- Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count
Description string jdtojulian(int julianday);
Converts Julian Day Count to a string containing the Julian Calendar Date in the format of "month/day/year".
JulianToJD JulianToJD -- Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count
Description int juliantojd(int month, int day, int year);
Valid Range for Julian Calendar 4713 B.C. to 9999 A.D.
Although this software can handle dates all the way back to 4713 B.C., such use may not be meaningful. The calendar was created in 46 B.C., but the details did not stabilize until at least 8 A.D., and perhaps as late at the 4th century. Also, the beginning of a year varied from one culture to another - not all accepted January as the first month.
JDToJewish JDToJewish -- Converts a Julian Day Count to the Jewish Calendar
Description string jdtojewish(int julianday);
Converts a Julian Day Count the the Jewish Calendar.
JewishToJD JewishToJD -- Converts a date in the Jewish Calendar to Julian Day Count
Description int jewishtojd(int month, int day, int year);
Valid Range Although this software can handle dates all the way back to the year 1 (3761 B.C.), such use may not be meaningful.
The Jewish calendar has been in use for several thousand years, but in the early days there was no formula to determine the start of a month. A new month was started when the new moon was first observed.
JDToFrench JDToFrench -- Converts a Julian Day Count to the French Republican Calendar
Description string jdtofrench(int month, int day, int year);
Converts a Julian Day Count to the French Republican Calendar.
FrenchToJD FrenchToJD -- Converts a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Count
Description int frenchtojd(int month, int day, int year);
Converts a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Count
These routines only convert dates in years 1 through 14 (Gregorian dates 22 September 1792 through 22 September 1806). This more than covers the period when the calendar was in use.
JDMonthName JDMonthName -- Returns a month name
Description string jdmonthname(int julianday, int mode);
Returns a string containing a month name. mode tells this function which calendar to convert the Julian Day Count to, and what type of month names are to be returned.
Table 1. Calendar modes
Mode Meaning 0 Gregorian - apreviated 1 Gregorian 2 Julian - apreviated 3 Julian 4 Jewish 5 French Republican
JDDayOfWeek JDDayOfWeek -- Returns the day of the week
Description mixed jddayofweek(int julianday, int mode);
Returns the day of the week. Can return a string or an int depending on the mode.
Table 1. Calendar week modes
Mode Meaning 0 returns the day number as an int (0=sunday, 1=monday, etc) 1 returns string containing the day of week (english-gregorian) 2 returns a string containing the abreviated day of week (english-gregorian)
VI. Date/Time Functions Table of Contents checkdate date strftime getdate gmdate mktime gmmktime time microtime checkdate checkdate -- validate a date/time
Description int checkdate(int month, int day, int year);
Returns true if the date given is valid; otherwise returns false. Checks the validity of the date formed by the arguments. A date is considered valid if:
year is between 1900 and 32767 inclusive
month is between 1 and 12 inclusive
day is within the allowed number of days for the given month. Leap years are taken into consideration.
date date -- format a local time/date
Description string date(string format, int timestamp);
Returns a string formatted according to the given format string using the given timestamp or the current local time if no timestamp is given.
The following characters are recognized in the format string:
a - "am" or "pm"
A - "AM" or "PM"
d - day of the month, numeric, 2 digits (with leading zeros)
D - day of the week, textual, 3 letters; i.e. "Fri"
F - month, textual, long; i.e. "January"
h - hour, numeric, 12 hour format
H - hour, numeric, 24 hour format
i - minutes, numeric
j - day of the month, numeric, without leading zeros
l (lowercase 'L') - day of the week, textual, long; i.e. "Friday"
m - month, numeric
M - month, textual, 3 letters; i.e. "Jan"
s - seconds, numeric
S - English ordinal suffix, textual, 2 characters; i.e. "th", "nd"
U - seconds since the epoch
Y - year, numeric, 4 digits
w - day of the week, numeric, 0 represents Sunday
y - year, numeric, 2 digits
z - day of the year, numeric; i.e. "299"
Unrecognized characters in the format string will be printed as-is.
Example 1. date() example
print(date( "l dS of F Y h:i:s A" )); print("July 1, 2000 is on a " . date("l", mktime(0,0,0,7,1,2000)));
It is possible to use date() and mktime() together to find dates in the future or the past.
Example 2. date() and mktime() example
$tomorrow = mktime(0,0,0,date("m") ,date("d")+1,date("Y")); $lastmonth = mktime(0,0,0,date("m")-1,date("d"), date("Y")); $nextyear = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"), date("d", date("Y")+1);
To format dates in other languages, you should use the setlocale() and strftime() functions.
See also gmdate() and mktime().
strftime strftime -- format a local time/date according to locale settings
Description string strftime(string format, int timestamp);
Returns a string formatted according to the given format string using the given timestamp or the current local time if no timestamp is given. Month and weekday names and other language dependent strings respect the current locale set with setlocale().
The following conversion specifiers are recognized in the format string:
%a - abbreviated weekday name according to the current locale
%A - full weekday name according to the current locale
%b - abbreviated month name according to the current locale
%B - full month name according to the current locale
%c - preferred date and time representation for the current locale
%d - day of the month as a decimal number (range 0 to 31)
%H - hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23)
%I - hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12)
%j - day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366)
%m - month as a decimal number (range 1 to 12)
%M - minute as a decimal number
%p - either `am' or `pm' according to the given time value, or the corresponding strings for the current locale
%S - second as a decimal number
%U - week number of the current year as a decimal number, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of the first week
%W - week number of the current year as a decimal number, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week
%w - day of the week as a decimal, Sunday being 0
%x - preferred date representation for the current locale without the time
%X - preferred time representation for the current locale without the date
%y - year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99)
%Y - year as a decimal number including the century
%Z - time zone or name or abbreviation
%% - a literal `%' character
Example 1. strftime() example
setlocale ("LC_TIME", "C"); print(strftime("%A in Finnish is ")); setlocale ("LC_TIME", "fi"); print(strftime("%A, in French ")); setlocale ("LC_TIME", "fr"); print(strftime("%A and in German ")); setlocale ("LC_TIME", "de"); print(strftime("%A.\n"));
This example works if you have the respective locales installed in your system.
See also setlocale() and mktime().
getdate getdate -- get date/time information
Description array getdate(int timestamp);
Returns an associative array containing the date information of the timestamp as the following array elements:
"seconds" - seconds
"minutes" - minutes
"hours" - hours
"mday" - day of the month
"wday" - day of the week, numeric
"mon" - month, numeric
"year" - year, numeric
"yday" - day of the year, numeric; i.e. "299"
"weekday" - day of the week, textual, full; i.e. "Friday"
"month" - month, textual, full; i.e. "January"
gmdate gmdate -- format a GMT/CUT date/time
Description string gmdate(string format, int timestamp);
Identical to the date() function except that the time returned is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For example, when run in Finland (GMT +0200), the first line below prints "Jan 01 1998 00:00:00", while the second prints "Dec 31 1997 22:00:00".
Example 1. gmdate() example
echo date( "M d Y H:i:s",mktime(0,0,0,1,1,1998) ); echo gmdate( "M d Y H:i:s",mktime(0,0,0,1,1,1998) );
See also date(), mktime() and gmmktime().
mktime mktime -- get UNIX timestamp for a date
Description int mktime(int hour, int minute, int second, int month, int day, int year);
Warning: Note the strange order of arguments, which differs from the order of arguments in a regular UNIX mktime() call and which does not lend itself well to leaving out parameters from right to left (see below). It is a common error to mix these values up in a script.
Returns the Unix timestamp corresponding to the arguments given. This timestamp is a long integer containing the number of seconds between the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970) and the time specified.
Arguments may be left out in order from right to left; any arguments thus omitted will be set to the current value according to the local date and time.
MkTime is useful for doing date arithmetic and validation, as it will automatically calculate the correct value for out-of-range input. For example, each of the following lines produces the string "Jan-01-1998".
Example 1. mktime() example
echo date( "M-d-Y", mktime(0,0,0,12,32,1997) ); echo date( "M-d-Y", mktime(0,0,0,13,1,1997) ); echo date( "M-d-Y", mktime(0,0,0,1,1,1998) );
See also date() and time().
gmmktime gmmktime -- get UNIX timestamp for a GMT date
Description int gmmktime(int hour, int minute, int second, int month, int day, int year);
Identical to mktime() except the passed parameters represents a GMT date.
time time -- return current UNIX timestamp
Description int time(void);
Returns the current time measured in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT).
See also date().
microtime microtime -- return current UNIX timestamp with microseconds
Description string microtime(void);
Returns the string "msec sec" where sec is the current time measured in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (0:00:00 January 1, 1970 GMT), and msec is the microseconds part. This function is only available on operating systems that support the gettimeofday() system call.
See also time().
VII. dBase Functions Table of Contents dbase_create dbase_open dbase_close dbase_pack dbase_add_record dbase_delete_record dbase_get_record dbase_numfields dbase_numrecords These functions allow you to access records stored in dBase-format (dbf) databases.
There is no support for indexes or memo fields. There is no support for locking, too. Two concurrent webserver processes modifying the same dBase file will very likely ruin your database.
Unlike SQL databases, dBase "databases" cannot change the database definition afterwards. Once the file is created, the database definition is fixed. There are no indexes that speed searching or otherwise organize your data. dBase files are simple sequential files of fixed length records. Records are appended to the end of the file and delete records are kept until you call dbase_pack()().
We recommend that you do not use dBase files as your production database. Choose any real SQL server instead; MySQL or Postgres are common choices with PHP. dBase support is here to allow you to import and export data to and from your web database, since the file format is commonly understood with Windows spreadsheets and organizers. Import and export of data is about all that dBase support is good for.
dbase_create dbase_create -- creates a dBase database
Description int dbase_create(string filename, array fields);
The fields parameter is an array of arrays, each array describing the format of one field in the database. Each field consists of a name, a character indicating the field type, a length, and a precision.
The types of fields available are:
Boolean. These do not have a length or precision.
Memo. (Note that these aren't supported by PHP.) These do not have a length or precision.
Date (stored as YYYYMMDD). These do not have a length or precision.
Number. These have both a length and a precision (the number of digits after the decimal point).
If the database is successfully created, a dbase_identifier is returned, otherwise false is returned.
Example 1. Creating a dBase database file
// "database" name $dbname = "/tmp/test.dbf";
// database "definition" $def = array( array("date", "D"), array("name", "C", 50), array("age", "N", 3, 0), array("email", "C", 128), array("ismember", "L") );
// creation if (!dbase_create($dbname, $def)) print "<strong>Error!</strong>";
dbase_open dbase_open -- opens a dBase database
Description int dbase_open(string filename, int flags);
The flags correspond to those for the open() system call. (Typically 0 means read-only, 1 means write-only, and 2 means read and write.)
Returns a dbase_identifier for the opened database, or false if the database couldn't be opened.
dbase_close dbase_close -- close a dBase database
Description bool dbase_close(int dbase_identifier);
Closes the database associated with dbase_identifier.
dbase_pack dbase_pack -- packs a dBase database
Description bool dbase_pack(int dbase_identifier);
Packs the specified database (permanently deleting all records marked for deletion using dbase_delete_record().
dbase_add_record dbase_add_record -- add a record to a dBase database
Description bool dbase_add_record(int dbase_identifier, array record);
Adds the data in the record to the database. If the number of items in the supplied record isn't equal to the number of fields in the database, the operation will fail and false will be returned.
dbase_delete_record dbase_delete_record -- deletes a record from a dBase database
Description bool dbase_delete_record(int dbase_identifier, int record);
Marks record to be deleted from the database. To actually remove the record from the database, you must also call dbase_pack().
dbase_get_record dbase_get_record -- gets a record from a dBase database
Description array dbase_get_record(int dbase_identifier, int record);
Returns the data from record in an array. The array is indexed starting at 1, and includes an associative member named 'deleted' which is set to 1 if the record has been marked for deletion (see dbase_delete_record().
Each field is converted to the appropriate PHP type. (Dates are left as strings.)
dbase_numfields dbase_numfields -- find out how many fields are in a dBase database
Description int dbase_numfields(int dbase_identifier);
Returns the number of fields (columns) in the specified database. Field numbers are between 0 and dbase_numfields($db)-1, while record numbers are between 1 and dbase_numrecords($db).
Example 1. Using dbase_numfields()
$rec = dbase_get_record($db, $recno); $nf = dbase_numfields($db); for ($i=0; $i < $nf; $i++) { print $rec[$i]."<br>\n"; }
dbase_numrecords dbase_numrecords -- find out how many records are in a dBase database
Description int dbase_numrecords(int dbase_identifier);
Returns the number of records (rows) in the specified database. Record numbers are between 1 and dbase_numrecords($db), while field numbers are between 0 and dbase_numfields($db)-1.
VIII. dbm Functions Table of Contents dbmopen dbmclose dbmexists dbmfetch dbminsert dbmreplace dbmdelete dbmfirstkey dbmnextkey dblist These functions allow you to store records stored in a dbm-style database. This type of database (supported by the Berkeley db, gdbm, and some system libraries, as well as a built-in flatfile library) stores key/value pairs (as opposed to the full-blown records supported by relational databases).
Example 1. dbm example
$dbm = dbmopen("lastseen", "w"); if (dbmexists($dbm, $userid)) { $last_seen = dbmfetch($dbm, $userid); } else { dbminsert($dbm, $userid, time()); } do_stuff(); dbmreplace($dbm, $userid, time()); dbmclose($dbm);
dbmopen dbmopen -- opens a dbm database
Description int dbmopen(string filename, int flags);
The first argument is the full-path filename of the dbm file to be opened and the second is the file open mode which is one of "r", "n" or "w" for read-only, new (implies read-write, and may truncate an already-existing database of the same name) and read-write respectively.
Returns an identifer to be passed to the other dbm functions on success, or false on failure.
If ndbm support is used, ndbm will actually create filename.dir and filename.pag files. gdbm only uses one file, as does the internal flat-file support, and Berkeley db creates a filename.db file. Note that PHP does its own file locking in addition to any file locking that may be done by the dbm library itself. PHP does not delete the .lck files it creates. It uses these files simply as fixed inodes on which to do the file locking. For more information on dbm files, see your Unix man pages, or obtain GNU's gdbm from ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu.
dbmclose dbmclose -- closes a dbm database
Description bool dbmclose(int dbm_identifier);
Unlocks and closes the specified database.
dbmexists dbmexists -- tells if a value exists for a key in a dbm database
Description bool dbmexists(int dbm_identifier, string key);
Returns true if there is a value associated with the key.
dbmfetch dbmfetch -- fetches a value for a key from a dbm database
Description string dbmfetch(int dbm_identifier, string key);
Returns the value associated with key.
dbminsert dbminsert -- inserts a value for a key in a dbm database
Description int dbminsert(int dbm_identifier, string key, string value);
Adds the value to the database with the specified key.
Returns -1 if the database was opened read-only, 0 if the insert was successful, and 1 if the specified key already exists. (To replace the value, use dbmreplace().)
dbmreplace dbmreplace -- replaces the value for a key in a dbm database
Description bool dbmreplace(int dbm_identifier, string key, string value);
Replaces the value for the specified key in the database.
This will also add the key to the database if it didn't already exist.
dbmdelete dbmdelete -- deletes the value for a key from a dbm database
Description bool dbmdelete(int dbm_identifier, string key);
Deletes the value for key in the database.
Returns false if the key didn't exist in the database.
dbmfirstkey dbmfirstkey -- retrieves the first key from a dbm database
Description string dbmfirstkey(int dbm_identifier);
Returns the first key in the database. Note that no particular order is guaranteed since the database may be built using a hash-table, which doesn't guarantee any ordering.
dbmnextkey dbmnextkey -- retrieves the next key from a dbm database
Description string dbmnextkey(int dbm_identifier, string key);
Returns the next key after key. By calling dbmfirstkey() followed by successive calls to dbmnextkey() it is possible to visit every key/value pair in the dbm database. For example:
Example 1. Visiting every key/value pair in a dbm database.
$key = dbmfirstkey($dbm_id); while ($key) { echo "$key = " . dbmfetch($dbm_id, $key) . "\n"; $key = dbmnextkey($dbm_id, $key); }
dblist dblist -- describes the dbm-compatible library being used
Description string dblist(void);
IX. Directory Functions Table of Contents chdir dir closedir opendir readdir rewinddir chdir chdir -- change directory
Description int chdir(string directory);
Changes PHP's current directory to directory. Returns FALSE if unable to change directory, TRUE otherwise.
dir dir -- directory class
Description new dir(string directory);
A pseudo-object oriented mechanism for reading a directory. The given directory is opened. Two properties are available once directory has been opened. The handle property can be used with other directory functions such as readdir(), rewinddir() and closedir(). The path property is set to path the directory that was opened. Three methods are available: read, rewind and close.
Example 1. Dir() Example
$d = dir("/etc"); echo "Handle: ".$d->handle."<br>\n"; echo "Path: ".$d->path."<br>\n"; while($entry=$d->read()) { echo $entry."<br>\n"; } $d->close();
closedir closedir -- close directory handle
Description void closedir(int dir_handle);
Closes the directory stream indicated by dir_handle. The stream must have previously been opened by opendir().
opendir opendir -- open directory handle
Description int opendir(string path);
Returns a directory handle to be used in subsequent closedir(), readdir(), and rewinddir() calls.
readdir readdir -- read entry from directory handle
Description string readdir(int dir_handle);
Returns the filename of the next file from the directory. The filenames are not returned in any particular order.
Example 1. List all files in the current directory
<?php $handle=opendir('.'); echo "Directory handle: $handle\n"; echo "Files:\n"; while ($file = readdir($handle)) { echo "$file\n"; } closedir($handle); ?>
rewinddir rewinddir -- rewind directory handle
Description void rewinddir(int dir_handle);
Resets the directory stream indicated by dir_handle to the beginning of the directory.
X. Dynamic Loading Functions Table of Contents dl dl dl -- load a PHP extension at runtime
Description int dl(string library);
Loads the PHP extension defined in library. See also the extension_dir configuration directive.
XI. Program Execution Functions Table of Contents escapeshellcmd exec system passthru escapeshellcmd escapeshellcmd -- escape shell metacharacters
Description string escapeshellcmd(string command);
EscapeShellCmd() escapes any characters in a string that might be used to trick a shell command into executing arbitrary commands. This function should be used to make sure that any data coming from user input is escaped before this data is passed to the exec() or system() functions. A standard use would be:
exec exec -- Execute an external program
Description string exec(string command, string [array], int [return_var]);
exec() executes the given command, however it does not output anything. It simply returns the last line from the result of the command. If you need to execute a command and have all the data from the command passed directly back without any interference, use the PassThru() function.
If the array argument is present, then the specified array will be filled with every line of output from the command. Note that if the array already contains some elements, exec() will append to the end of the array. If you do not want the function to append elements, call unset() on the array before passing it to exec().
If the return_var argument is present along with the array argument, then the return status of the executed command will be written to this variable.
Note that if you are going to allow data coming from user input to be passed to this function, then you should be using EscapeShellCmd() to make sure that users cannot trick the system into executing arbitrary commands.
See also system(), PassThru(), popen() and EscapeShellCmd().
system system -- Execute an external program and display output
Description string system(string command, int [return_var]);
System() is just like the C version of the function in that it executes the given command and outputs the result. If a variable is provided as the second argument, then the return status code of the executed command will be written to this variable.
Note, that if you are going to allow data coming from user input to be passed to this function, then you should be using the EscapeShellCmd() function to make sure that users cannot trick the system into executing arbitrary commands.
The System() call also tries to automatically flush the web server's output buffer after each line of output if PHP is running as a server module.
If you need to execute a command and have all the data from the command passed directly back without any interference, use the PassThru() function. See also the exec() and popen() functions.
passthru passthru -- Execute an external program and display raw output
Description string passthru(string command, int [return_var]);
The passthru() function is similar to the Exec() function in that it executes a command. If the return_var argument is present, the return status of the Unix command will be placed here. This function should be used in place of Exec() or System() when the output from the Unix command is binary data which needs to be passed directly back to the browser. A common use for this is to execute something like the pbmplus utilities that can output an image stream directly. By setting the content-type to image/gif and then calling a pbmplus program to output a gif, you can create PHP scripts that output images directly.
See also exec() and fpassthru().
XII. filePro Functions Table of Contents filepro filepro_fieldname filepro_fieldtype filepro_fieldwidth filepro_retrieve filepro_fieldcount filepro_rowcount These functions allow read-only access to data stored in filePro databases.
filePro is a registered trademark by Fiserv, Inc. You can find more information about filePro at http://www.fileproplus.com/.
filepro filepro -- read and verify the map file
Description bool filepro(string directory);
This reads and verifies the map file, storing the field count and info.
No locking is done, so you should avoid modifying your filePro database while it may be opened in PHP.
filepro_fieldname filepro_fieldname -- gets the name of a field
Description string filepro_fieldname(int field_number);
Returns the name of the field corresponding to field_number.
filepro_fieldtype filepro_fieldtype -- gets the type of a field
Description string filepro_fieldtype(int field_number);
Returns the edit type of the field corresponding to field_number.
filepro_fieldwidth filepro_fieldwidth -- gets the width of a field
Description int filepro_fieldwidth(int field_number);
Returns the width of the field corresponding to field_number.
filepro_retrieve filepro_retrieve -- retrieves data from a filePro database
Description string filepro_retrieve(int row_number, int field_number);
Returns the data from the specified location in the database.
filepro_fieldcount filepro_fieldcount -- find out how many fields are in a filePro database
Description int filepro_fieldcount(void);
Returns the number of fields (columns) in the opened filePro database.
See also filepro().
filepro_rowcount filepro_rowcount -- find out how many rows are in a filePro database
Description int filepro_rowcount(void);
Returns the number of rows in the opened filePro database.
See also filepro().
XIII. Filesystem Functions Table of Contents basename chgrp chmod chown clearstatcache copy dirname fclose feof fgetc fgets fgetss file file_exists fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype fopen fpassthru fputs fread fseek ftell fwrite is_dir is_executable is_file is_link is_readable is_writeable link linkinfo mkdir pclose popen readfile readlink rename rewind rmdir stat lstat symlink tempnam touch umask unlink basename basename -- return filename component of path
Description string basename(string path);
Given a string containing a path to a file, this function will return the base name of the file.
On Windows, both slash (/) and backslash (\) are used as path separator character. In other environments, it is the forward slash (/).
Example 1. basename() example
$path = "/home/httpd/html/index.php3"; $file = basename($path); // $file is set to "index.php3"
See also: dirname()
chgrp chgrp -- change file group
Description int chgrp(string filename, mixed group);
Attempts to change the group of the file filename to group. Only the superuser may change the group of a file arbitrarily; other users may change the group of a file to any group of which that user is a member.
Returns true on success; otherwise returns false.
On Windows, does nothing and returns true.
See also chown() and chmod().