来源:网络 | 2008-10-16 | (有2669人读过)
PHP4 中,一个对象的所有方法和变量都是公共的,这意味着你可以在一个对象的外部操作其中的任意一个变量和方法。PHP5 引入了三种新的用来控制这种存取权限的模式,它们是:公共的(Public)、受保护的(Protected)及私有的(Private)。
例: 对象中的私有、公共及受保护模式
class foo {
private $x;
public function public_foo() {
print("I’m public");
protected function protected_foo() {
$this->private_foo(); //Ok because we are in the same class we can call private methods
print("I’m protected");
private function private_foo() {
$this->x = 3;
print("I’m private");
class foo2 extends foo {
public function display() {
// $this->private_foo(); // Invalid! the function is private in the base class
} $x = new foo();
//$x->protected_foo(); //Invalid cannot call protected methods outside the class and derived classes
//$x->private_foo(); //Invalid private methods can only be used inside the class $x2 = new foo2();