来源:远方网络 | 2005-12-31 9:40:35 | (有2077人读过)
if Table1.Active then
Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
procedure TQueryForm.BitBtn2Click(Sender: TObject);
strAlias, { Alias name selected by the user }
strTable, { Table name selected by the user }
strField, { Field name selected by the user }
strValue, { Field Value entered by the user }
strWhere, { WHERE clause for the user's query }
strQuote, { Holds quotes is the query field is text }
strQuery: string; { String used to construct the query }
frmQuery: TResultForm; { The Results form }
{ The following type is used with the Type drop-downlist. The text values corresponding with each item is described in comments, along with the relevant SQL operators. }
etSQLOps = (soNoCondition, { not field conditions: no WHERE clause }
soEqual, { equals: = }
soNotEqual, { is not equal to: <> }
soLessThan, { is less than: < }
soLessEqual, { is less than or equal to: <= }
soMoreThan, { is greater than: > }
soMoreEqual, { is greater than or equal to: >= }
soStartsWith, { starts with: LIKE xx% }
soNoStartsWith, { doesn't start with: NOT LIKE xx% }
soEndsWith, { ends with: LIKE %xx }
soNoEndsWith, { doesn't end with: NOT LIKE %xx }
soContains, { contains: LIKE %xx% }
soNoContains, { doesn't contain: NOT LIKE %xx% }
soBlank, { is blank: }
soNotBlank, { is not blank: }
soInside, { contains only: IN ( xx, yy, zz ) }
soOutside); { doesn't contain: NOT IN (xx, yy, zz) }
{ Initialize the variables needed to run the query }
with ListBox1 do
if ItemIndex = -1 then
raise Exception.Create('Can''t Run Query: No Alias Selected')
strAlias := Items.Strings[ItemIndex];
with ListBox2 do
if ItemIndex = -1 then
raise Exception.Create('Can''t Run Query: No Table Selected')
strTable := Items.Strings[ItemIndex];
with ListBox3 do
if ItemIndex = -1 then
if ComboBox1.ItemIndex > Ord(soNocondition) then
raise Exception.Create('Can''t Run Query: No Field Selected')
strField := '';
strField := Items.Strings[ItemIndex];
if (Edit1.Text = '') and
(ComboBox1.ItemIndex > Ord(soNoCondition)) and
(ComboBox1.ItemIndex < Ord(soBlank)) then
raise Exception.create('Can''t Run Query: No Search Value Entered')
strValue := Edit1.Text;
{ See if the field being search is a string field. If so, then pad the
quote string with quotation marks; otherwise, set it to a null value. }
if strField <> '' then
with Table1.FieldByName(strField) do
if (DataType = ftString) or (DataType = ftMemo) then
strQuote := '"' else
strQuote := '';
{ Construct the WHERE clause of the query based on the user's choice in Type. }
case etSQLOps(ComboBox1.ItemIndex) of
soNoCondition: strWhere := '';
soEqual: strWhere := strField + ' = ' + strQuote + strValue+ strQuote;
soNotEqual: strWhere := strField + ' <> ' + strQuote + strValue +
soLessThan: strWhere := strField + ' < ' + strQuote + strValue +
soLessEqual: strWhere := strField + ' <= ' + strQuote + strValue +
soMoreThan: strWhere := strField + ' > ' + strQuote + strValue +
soMoreEqual: strWhere := strField + ' >= ' + strQuote + strValue +
soStartsWith: strWhere := strField + ' LIKE ' + strQuote +
strValue + '%' + strQuote;
soNoStartsWith: strWhere := strField + ' NOT LIKE ' + strQuote +
strValue + '%' + strQuote;
soEndsWith: strWhere := strField + ' LIKE ' + strQuote +
'%' + strValue + strQuote;
soNoEndsWith: strWhere := strField + ' NOT LIKE ' +
strQuote + '%' + strValue + strQuote;
soContains: strWhere := strField + ' LIKE '+ strQuote+'%'+ strValue
+ '%' + strQuote;
soNoContains: strWhere := strField + ' NOT LIKE ' + strQuote + '%'
+ strValue + '%' + strQuote;
soBlank: strWhere := strField + ' IS NULL';
soNotBlank: strWhere := strField + ' IS NOT NULL';
if ComboBox1.ItemIndex = Ord(soNoCondition) then
strQuery := 'SELECT * FROM "' + strTable + '"'
else if Table1.FieldByName(strField).DataType = ftString then
strQuery := 'SELECT * FROM "' + strTable + '" t WHERE t.' + strWhere
strQuery := 'SELECT * FROM "' + strTable + '" t WHERE t.' + strWhere;
{ Create an instance of the browser form. }
frmQuery := TResultForm.Create(Application);
{ Use a resource protection block in case an exception is raised. This ensures that the memory allocated for the Results form is released. }
with frmQuery do