来源:www.cncfan.com | 2006-1-10 | (有2526人读过)
函数名 ABS 简要介绍: Returns an absolute value. (取绝对值) 所属单元: System 定义: function Abs(X); 详细解释: Abs returns the absolute value of the argument, X. X is an integer-type or real-type expression. (Abs函数用于返回变量X的绝对值,X可以是一个整形的变量或实数型的变量)
函数名 ceil 简要介绍: Rounds variables up toward positive infinity. 所属单元: Math 定义: function Ceil(X: Extended):Integer 详细解释: Call Ceil to obtain the lowest integer greater than or equal to X. The absolute value of X must be less than MaxInt. For example: Ceil(-2.8) = -2 Ceil(2.8) = 3 Ceil(-1.0) = -1 (调用ceil函数,返回大于或等于x的最小整数值。X的绝对值一定要小于最大整数值。例如: Ceil(-2.8) = -2
Ceil(2.8) = 3
Ceil(-1.0) = -1)
函数名 Exp 简要介绍: Returns the exponential of X.(Exp函数返回自然对数基底E的X次幂。) 所属单元: System 定义: function Exp(X: Real): Real; 详细解释:
Exp returns the value of e raised to the power of X, where e is the base of the natural logarithms. (Exp返回e的X次幂的值,其中e是一个自然对数基底。) 范例: var e : real; S : string; begin e := Exp(1.0); Str(ln(e):3:2, S); S := 'e = ' + FloatToStr(e) + '; ln(e) = ' + S; Canvas.TextOut(10, 10, S); end;
函数名 Floor 简要介绍: Rounds variables toward negative infinity.(取小于给定值的最大整数) 所属单元: Math 定义: function Floor(X: Extended): Integer; 详细解释:
Call Floor to obtain the highest integer less than or equal to X. For example:
Floor(-2.8) = -3
Floor(2.8) = 2
Floor(-1.0) = -1
Note: The absolute value of X must be less than MaxInt.
(使用Floor函数以取得小于等于X的最大的整数,如: Floor(-2.8) = -3
Floor(2.8) = 2
Floor(-1.0) = -1
函数名 Frac 简要介绍: Returns the fractional part of a real number(返回一个实数的小数部分) 所属单元: System 定义: function Frac(X: Extended): Extended; 详细解释:
The Frac function returns the fractional part of the argument X.
X is a real-type expression. The result is the fractional part of X; that is, Frac(X) = X - Int(X).
(Frac函数返回参数X的小数部分,X是一个实型数,该函数的作用等价于Frac(X)=X-Int(X)。) 范例: var a,b:Real; begin a := 1.54; b := frac(a); end; 此时,a= 1.54,b=0.54