来源:www.cncfan.com | 2006-1-13 | (有2182人读过)
const MaxNetArrayItems = 512; type TSessionInfo50 = packed record sesi50_cname: PChar; //remote computer name (connection id in Netware) sesi50_username: PChar; sesi50_key: DWORD; // used to delete session (not used in Netware) sesi50_num_conns: Word; sesi50_num_opens: Word; //not available in Netware sesi50_time: DWORD; sesi50_idle_time: DWORD; //not available in Netware sesi50_protocol: Char; padl: Char; end;
TNetSessionEnum = function (const pszServer: PChar; sLevel: SmallInt; pbBuffer: Pointer; cbBuffer: Word; var pcEntriesRead: Word; var pcTotalAvail: Word): DWORD; stdcall;
procedure GetNetSessions(ComputerNames: TStrings); var SessionInfo: array[0..MaxNetArrayItems] of TSessionInfo50; EntriesRead, TotalAvail: Word; I: Integer; Str: string; NetSessionEnum: TNetSessionEnum; LibHandle: THandle; begin ComputerNames.Clear; LibHandle := LoadLibrary('SVRAPI.DLL'); if LibHandle <> 0 then begin try @NetSessionEnum := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'NetSessionEnum'); if (@NetSessionEnum <> nil) then if NetSessionEnum(nil, 50, @SessionInfo, Sizeof(SessionInfo), EntriesRead, TotalAvail) = 0 then begin for I := 0 to EntriesRead - 1 do with SessionInfo[I] do begin SetString(Str, sesi50_cname, StrLen(sesi50_cname)); ComputerNames.Add(Str); end; end; finally FreeLibrary(LibHandle); end; end; end; 连接的计算机名存放在 ComputerNames 中,可以在 Win9x 下使用。